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“My body is a classroom” is a devising course for teachers facilitating performing arts tools for embodied teaching and learning in secondary school classroom.

🌸  Centro Territorial de Innovación y Training de Profesorado CTIF Madrid Sur (Spain)

Concept, research design and implementation: Nicoletta Cappello

The project is part of a Research Project w/ University of Catania and University of Girona

RADIO.ME X Teachers

Performative writing, body and diverse identities

A dialogue, beyond an exchange of words, is an encounter between bodies, their stories and their lives. Although sometimes we forget where they come from, words have always been born from bodies, they have their homes there and from there they build their bridges.

Design and implementation: Nicoletta Cappello

Impulsed by Red Planea and coordinated by CCCC Valéncia.

MY BODY IS A CLASSROOM X Secondary School Students

Art educational research project exploring performance, dance and theatre as an approach to embodied learning in secondary school classrooms. In a movement-based performing and devising workshop, students create an original performance based on the question: “What do we learn through the body?”

The performance created in the first edition of the project is titled Emoción Melón, about emotions and adolescence in post-pandemic times.

Concept, research design and implementation: Nicoletta Cappello

Teachers and co-researchers: Ana V., José María, and Vicky 

Pilot school: Colegio Montserrat de Orcasitas Madrid associated to EXE- Teach for All- Spain


In collaboration with University of the Arts Helsinki and Faculty of Education of University of Girona


Movement-based Dramaturgy and Podcasting

Performing Arts + Podcasting Workshop for teachers in the development of podcasting that are linked to the interests and needs of the students.


Texts and sounds are created through dance, theatre and movement exercises, generating vital connections between learning and the everyday life.


Design and Facilitation

Text devising and dramaturgy: Nicoletta Cappello

Sound composition and dramaturgy: Clara Molinicos


Planea-Art and School Network and mediated by Master Permea and Consorci Museu GVA

Listen to Podcast HERE!



Radio-Drama Workshop about Adolescence and Mental Health


Performance and radio-drama residency in High School:  adolescent students collectively create a podcast to listen to (themselves), spread their voices, seek resonance and weave networks with their peers. There are podcasts that save lives!

Ideated by El Público in collaboration with the teachers, produced by Planea-Art and School Network and mediated by Master Permea and Consorci Museu GVA

Link to the project in Planea website

Follow the project on El Público's Instagram


Thinking in action laboratory with youth from Cañada Real


Applied performing arts to the teaching and learning of critical thinking skills and social and civic competences, addressing youth suffering risk of social exclusion in the famous Madrid neighborhood.

Collaboration with the project "Escuela de Pensamiento" of Youth Wake Up!  Foundation and the Community Center Cañada Real Galiana



Theatre laboratory for children


Kids explore body language in order to catch, shape the stories that are hiding and asking to being told within their bodies.

Project realized in collaboration with:

Associazione Il Cuaderno Ragusa (2020)



Acting Professional Course for People with Disabilities


With the aim of widening the access to the theatrical profession the workshop questions the dominant aesthetics of theater, valuing the ability of diverse bodies and minds to expand performance experience.

ANFFASS, Ragusa (IT)

Production: TALENT4YOU 



Collaborative practice with intergenerational audiences


Performance workshop linking philosophy, adolescence and auto-theory.

PimOff Theatre, Milan (IT).

Production: Moveosofia and PimOff Milan

Entities with whom we have collaborated:

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We are members of:

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Red de Espacios y Agentes de Cultura Comunitaria

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Madrid (ES)

Ragusa (IT)


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